I looked and looked. Were my eye deceiving me? Did I need new glasses? How could this be?
As I got closer, I could see that Spencer was about the size of a Shetland pony. Very cute and easy to manage. I thought of all the benefits of this new size. Less hay! Smaller poop piles!
I could trim his feet without getting killed! Yea!
But I missed the Big Spencer! I was sad and started to cry.
I cried so hard, my eyelids filled with tears until I thought they would burst. I could hear someone in the distance "Open your eyes! Open your eyes!"
So I did! And I realized I was dreaming.
This is Buster. A new pony that I brought home last week against my husband's better judgement of course! I had been looking for one for my granddaughter and I found this little guy on Craig's list. He looked so much like my big guy, I had to have him. He's very sweet and easy for kids to handle even though he's only 4 years old. And he's NOT a rescue! How about that!
I had you going for bit there though...didn't I?